Neil is the Director of the Physical Empowerment department at THR. He comes to the table with a background as a US Navy SEAL Team member, a former college athlete, youth sports coach and proud father of two. He is an expert on team and social dynamics. His focus at Tree House is rebuilding drug-damaged brains, specifically the prefrontal cortex region, with fitness, meditation and team based therapies. Drawing from his experience as a SEAL Team member, Neil is also a co creator of THRs innovative Action Based Induction Therapy (ABIT), which is the cornerstone of our physical treatment modalities. As the Physical Empowerment Director, Neil oversees ABIT, ESM Fitness Therapy, EP Yoga Therapy and Recovery in Action to insure that every Physical Empowerment Staff member is providing the best care possible.
”Your brain’s working; it’s rewiring, you’re waking up, you’re getting healthy and you have people to walk through it with you…”
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