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Resolve Trauma and PTSD

Writing Therapy is a structured series of expressive writing assignments, designed to provide our clients a platform to identify, process and resolve trauma. Writing is assigned and processed with a Literary Therapist, who clients meet with multiple times each week. The writing program allows clients to process topics that may be difficult to engage in other forms of therapy. Clients are armed with a powerful tool that they can use long after graduation. The program also improves reasoning and decision making skills.



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men in outdoor addiction treatment therapy session
man writes in journal while in drug rehab
man meets with addiction therapist at Tree House Recovery


George Coleman portait

George Coleman


George is the creator of the Writing Program at Tree House Recovery and he is the man who will be personally directing and guiding our residents through every phase of that program. In addition to the fact that George has designed an excellent “expressive writing“ regiment, he comes to us with an unusually impressive array of accomplishments and strength of character that are particularly well suited to our goals.


Adam Moulton, writing therapist, helps men recover from addiction

Adam Moulton

Ryan Bain, writing therapist, treats drug and alcohol addiction

Ryan Bain


History has revealed to us that men come through our doors with a wide variety of personal traumas and emotionally painful experiences that, through “the isolation of addiction,” have never seen the light of day. The Writing Program at Tree House has been specifically designed to provide our clients, using a structured series of expressive writing assignments, with a unique platform that enables each man to uncover and identify those incidents that have been hiding in the dark for years AND bring them “into the light.” Once this occurs, these traumas and experiences no longer possess “the power of darkness” and the doorway to healing is wide open.

START TODAY (855) 202-2138


• Identification and Resolution of Trauma
• Improved Reasoning Skills
• Improved Decision Making Skills
• Ability to Use Writing as a Tool

George Coleman


George is the creator of the Writing Program at Tree House Recovery and he is the man who will be personally directing and guiding our residents through every phase of that program. In addition to the fact that George has designed an excellent “expressive writing“ regiment, he comes to us with an unusually impressive array of accomplishments and strength of character that are particularly well suited to our goals.


The Writing Therapy Program at Tree House Recovery is a structured series of writing assignments that make it possible for our clients to find a clearer understanding and acceptance of their world, how they perceive it and how they best fit into it. As the Director of that program, I could explain in great detail about how the Program is delivered OR I could allow our graduates to “say” what they have found here. ( Note: If you were considering going to a particular restaurant for the first time, you would probably want to talk to someone who has been there.)


A 2014 graduate of Writing would tell you…

“I never was one to vocalize how I felt or explain the things I’ve been through, but I was one that tightly held onto that physical and emotional weight for so long, while it literally ate me up from the inside out and made me a shell of a man, whether I knew it or not. That all changed when I plugged into the Writing Program and was blessed with the chance to put things into perspective in dealing with a lot of uncomfortable things that I dug up from my past, getting them on paper, talking about them, expressing how they made me feel and then, with my Literary Therapist’s guidance, being able to let go of them. That is when all those things lost their power over me.”

A 2017 graduate would inform you that…

“I have had probably the most progress and understanding of the way my mind works in the Writing Program. My Literary Therapist has helped me far more than any of the therapists, doctors or psychiatrists that I have seen in the past. If it wasn’t for the progress and things I’ve gotten through in Writing, I don’t know where I would be or how I would feel about myself today. I have gotten the most closure from my past in the Writing sessions with my Literary Therapist and become more comfortable and confident enough to share them with others.”

A 2015 graduate would declare to you that…

“through the Writing Program, I gained lenses of clarity and honesty that I’ve used throughout my writings to overcome great obstacles and grow immensely, both emotionally and mentally. I’ve experienced serenity through the practice of literary therapy, the most amazing form of relief I’ve felt in sobriety. The Tree House Writing Program has impacted and changed my life forever for the better.”

A 2017 graduate of Writing Therapy reveals…

“Writing has been a real experience. Not just the writing assignments, but also the discussions afterwards with my Literary Therapist. He would somehow be able to read between the lines and bring things to my attention that I didn’t even realize were there and needed to be addressed. He introduced me to a different way of looking at things, a new perspective/perception. Because of Writing, I can now see things from all angles, opposed to my former, singular and very negative viewpoint. Today, I can see the beautiful duality in all things and, for this, I am forever grateful.

A 2016 Tree House Writing graduate would point out…

“my experience with the Writing Program has been nothing short of great. Although challenging at times, I have no doubt that the Writing Program has greatly impacted my life. During the Program, I have learned many things about myself that I may not have discovered if it had not been for all those in-depth writing assignments. Not only was I able to discover the real me, I was able to move on from many past traumas that I have held onto for way too long. I also discovered that I want to live.”