When Feelings Hurt: Signs You've Been Emotionally Abused

When Feelings Hurt: Signs You’ve Been Emotionally Abused

Significantly close relationships, such as with an intimate partner or a family member, can have a major impact on a person’s mental health due to the amount of emotional investment these relationships require. Consider the relationships that are most important to you right now. Do you care about what the other person thinks? If they were to tell you something deemed as “positive” or “negative”, how great of an impact would their words have on you? While it’s important that care about what our loved ones have to say, sometimes this can be taken a little too far – especially when the privilege of love and care is abused. Many in this situation question themselves – perhaps the relationship was initially based on respect, but over time, the lines became blurred. “Am I crazy?” you may ask yourself. “Maybe I did something to provoke them? Maybe I’m reading into things?”

Almost all of us experience moments of misunderstanding with others but, for the most part, it’s important to trust your instincts if you feel deep down that you’re being emotionally abused. To help you contemplate this, let’s take a look at the definition of emotional (psychological) abuse: “A person subjecting, or exposing, another person to behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)”.

Emotional abuse could include one, many or something outside of the following:

  • Excessive demands or expecting you to spend all of your time with that person or tend to all of their needs
  • Being dissatisfied no matter how hard you try or how much you give them
  • Expecting you to have the same opinions as they do
  • Criticizing you for not completing things the way they’d like
  • Dismissing your needs, wants, requests, perceptions, reasons, feelings, and more

A 2014 study asserts that an emotional abuse history is related to greater stress sensitivity in other areas of life, which can lead a person to experience psychological disorders such as major depression. If you’re experiencing emotional abuse, it’s important that you stand up for yourself. Set boundaries, and let the other person know that it is not acceptable. If they are unwilling to listen, distancing yourself and terminating the relationship could be the best action to take.

If you haven’t already, speak with a professional from a reputable treatment center to learn more about your options for treatment. Absolutely everyone deserves respect.

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