The moon orbits our planet and acts as an emissary, a light in the darkness connecting our earthly selves to the larger domains of consciousness. The moon is often considered a symbol of femininity, receptivity, and our emotional lives. The moon can be seen as a symbol for our deep unconscious lives, as opposed to the sun which represents consciousness what we are already alert to. It rules the tides, offers light in the darkness, and is the quickest moving luminary. While women are often associated with the lunar changes and modes, men are associated with the sun. There’s a lot to learn from the moon and its ever-changing and luminous nature. Here are some things men can learn from getting a little more lunar.
- The moon, like humans, changes frequently. The moon moves much quicker than the sun. Each night it’s a different size and when we pay attention, we notice that it is always waxing and waning. Men can learn about their changeable natures by paying attention to the cycles of the moon.
- The moon can boost your creativity. While the sun illuminates the whole sky, the moon is more internal and reflective. It literally reflects the sun’s light. As a reflective and receptive energy, the moon offers valuable lessons about creativity, consciousness, and seeing in the dark.
- Paying attention to the moon can help you get in touch with the feminine flow of the universe. It sounds woo-woo, but the universe is always in motion and it is our original mother, our creator. When we note the phases of the moon and how they impact our life on Earth, we start to sync up with the very nature of the universe, the flow of life.
- Men can become better listeners via the moon. While the sun is impossible to ignore, the moon is subtler, though just as vital. The moon reflects the light of the sun and as such, offers valuable insight into the beauty of being a mirror to yourself and others. Illuminations of all kinds happen when we let the light of others bounce off of us.
Tree House Recovery of Orange County, California is a premier men’s addiction treatment facility that uses eight different modalities to help our men become the best versions of themselves they can be. We teach our men that every day of their journey is something to celebrate, and that recovery isn’t a sprint– it’s a marathon. To get started with Tree House Recovery, call us today at (855) 202-2138.