Many of us come to recovery without a sense of spirituality or connection. We learn early on that it’s important to turn our power over to something greater. This higher power can mean different things for each of us — God, nature, the universe, the mountains, our highest self. Whatever your version of spirituality is, it’s healing to feel connected to ourselves and the world around us. Recovery is filled with spiritual lessons. We learn them along the way and keep returning to them in order to cope with life in more sustainable and loving ways. Here are just a few of the spiritual lessons of recovery.
Gratitude. In recovery, we learn to be grateful for what we have and to acknowledge the support that others have given us throughout our lives. When we live in a state of gratitude, or thankfulness, for ourselves and for the world around us, life seems more precious. In short, we’re able to look on the bright side more.
Self-love. We learn to treat ourselves with love and compassion, to avoid negative self-talk, and to treat others with this same love and respect.
Listening. In meetings, we learn to truly listen to one another. Oftentimes in daily life, we don’t take time to stop and truly listen to another person’s story. Listening, integrating, and offering support cultivate greater empathy and understanding. We realize that there are other people who have had similar experiences to us. We’re not alone.
Honest self-evaluation. In step 4, we are asked to make a “searching and fearless inventory of ourselves.” This provides us with the opportunity to take a good, hard look in the mirror and reflect on what we see. Recovery helps us to come face to face with ourselves, our flaws, and our positive qualities.
Ongoing spiritual work. We realize that recovery is about staying present in the moment. There is no straight line toward an end. Rather, recovery, like life, is an ongoing spiritual journey. We learn to be present and take life on life’s terms.
Tree House Recovery of Orange County, California is a premiere men’s addiction treatment facility that uses eight different modalities to help our men become the best versions of themselves they can be. We teach our men that every day of their journey is something to celebrate and that recovery isn’t a sprint– it’s a marathon. To get started with Tree House Recovery, call us today at (855) 202-2138