(continued from Pt. I) What is also crucial to understand is that in this particular formulation of personality, no one preference type is better or worse than another as they all share utility, but just in different ways. Now we can move on to the second dimension of personality which are known as the perceptive functions.
The Perceptions
The second column of dichotomously-split functions are called “sensory” and “intuition” and these are functions of perceptions. In order to make more sense of this we can jump to the third dimension momentarily in order to contextualize. The third column are functions of “judgement” meaning that we first perceive something or someone (which is the second function), and then we make a judgement of that perception (which is the third function). The “sensing” types utilize, primarily, their 5 sense in order to perceive the world which leads to a much more concrete, here-and-now type of perception. It deals more with reality as it is as opposed to what it could be. Conversely, the “intuitive” types perceive in more abstract ways which leads to more a predictive and pattern-seeking mode of perception. Again, one type of perception isn’t necessarily better than another, but it is interesting to note that sensors typically enjoy subjects such as math, the hard sciences, architecture, and engineering, whereas intuitive types send to be drawn more to philosophy, psychology, and sociology. Another way of thinking about the differences is that sensor types prefer to see the world in black and white as it makes things easier to categorize, whereas intuitive types are more focused on finding the grey within the black and white. This dimension of perception, if hared with a partner, is the most predictive domain of relationship compatibility which is important if we utilize this model to help us better understand our partners. Let’s next look at the “judgement” functions:
The Judgements
The third column of functions are referred to as “judging” functions because that is exactly the role they play as was mentioned in the previous paragraph. We apply one of two basic types of judgements which are broken into either “thinking” or “feeling”. These are the easiest two functions to understand because they are straight-forward. If we are categorized as a feeler, we are more prone to make judgements based off of feeling; the feeling judgement is quite simple, it says that a person, thing, or situation is either acceptable or not acceptable. (continued…)
Tree House Recovery of Orange County, California is a premier men’s addiction treatment facility that uses eight different modalities to help our men become the best versions of themselves they can be. We teach our men that every day of their journey is something to celebrate, and that recovery isn’t a sprint– it’s a marathon. To get started with Tree House Recovery, call us today at (855) 202-2138.