I have been clean for some time now. Enjoying the healthy lifestyle I have developed and benefiting from the fruits of my labor. I have a solid routine that I stick to which ensures my personal growth and allows me to stay focused on my goals. But i’m craving more out of life. I want to travel. This seems like a great idea in theory but as my flight approaches, I am met with some fear and anxiety.
Having a homebase along with a regular routine is important. However, being able to go wherever you want and do whatever you want without fear is equally an important piece to living a healthy life. Traveling and exploring the world has several benefits that we wouldn’t be able to experience otherwise.
- Offers real life education:
Diving head first into a different culture will allow you to meet new people and experience life from an alternative perspective. - Improves social skills:
While traveling, you will find yourself stuck in situations where you need guidance. This almost forces you to reach out for help thus improving communication and socialization skills. - Creates lifelong memories:
Whether you are traveling alone or with family or friends, traveling allows you to broaden your horizons and create memories that will stay with you forever.
Fear can be a great motivator. But fear can also keep me stuck in my safe zones. Being able to safely push past my limits allows me to challenge myself. These challenges provide growth and life experiences that I would be missing out on if I were to live life in a constant state of fear. I must be confident in myself and my sobriety in order to experience the richness of life. As Mark Twain once said:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
I want to look back at my life and have stories to tell. I want to explore, dream, and discover. That’s why i put together a list of 5 ways to stay sober while traveling.
Travel with sober friends! Having others around you who share the same common goals as you and can hold you accountable is crucial.
Having a list of places to visit and things planned out beforehand can help limit the amount of unexpected events.
Continue to stay active in your daily routine. This might include reading encouraging literature, journaling, or working out.
Be sure to fuel your body with healthy food, an appropriate amount of water, and maintain your personal hygiene.
Always make sure that you have support from your everyday circle of friends and family. Using social media as a platform works well for this. Let your support network know that you will be posting regularly and encourage them to reach out if they notice otherwise.
I am filled with excitement as my first big international trip draws near. Alongside that excitement is a bit of anxiety and a touch of fear. By incorporating the above tips, I can alleviate some of the fear and anxiety, resting easy on the fact that there is a set plan in place. I am traveling with three sober friends who I am close with. We have a list of places to visit and we plan on keeping up with our standard routines. I will be posting a follow up blog after my experience to note what worked, any struggles I encountered, as well as the fun that I had. So get out there, see new places, and stay tuned!