Your body is a machine which is capable of operating at potentials beyond your imagination. Peak performance requires proper fuel. A Corvette shouldn’t run on mouthwash. A Bugatti wouldn’t run best on regular fuel. Taking your body, strength, endurance, and ability to the next level means taking the possibilities of your life to the next level. Adventure, sports, activities, and hobbies are ways to wring the every last drop of juice out of life. Without the proper diet and nutrition to fuel your body, you can’t reach your potential.
Men at Tree House Recovery in Orange County immerse their body into rigorous regimens of exercise, taking their physique and physical potential beyond limitation. To get there, men learn, their bodies have to be treated well with nutritious foods and a well balanced diet. Drugs and alcohol take priority in an actively addicted life. Commonly, a man is nutrient-deficient, has muscular atrophy, and has not properly fed his body in some time. What you eat matters.
What you eat matters for the sustainability of your body, as well as the sustainability of the planet. Choices made at the grocery store are choices made for local, state, and national economies, the climate, and more. Food doesn’t just impact your life, it impacts everyone’s life in a quantum ripple effect. Choosing to eat local, seasonal foods reduces your carbon footprint, improves local economy, and puts your body in natural sync with your surroundings. Not to mention, going to local farmers markets is a fun sober activity and introduces you to many independent businesses.
How to Shop Local
Look up the farmer’s market closest to you or an independent grocer which sources from local farmers. Local farmers won’t be importing produce from other parts of the world, only sourcing from what they grow on their land.
Seasonal Produce for Southern California:
- Apples
- Apricots
- Asparagus
- Avocados
- Basil
- Beans, Green
- Beets
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Cherries
- Grapefruits,
- Lemons
- Valencia Oranges
- Collards
- Corn
- Cucumber
- Eggplant
- Figs
- Grapes
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Lettuce
- Melons
- Mushroom
- Mustard
- Nectarines
- Okra
- Onion, dry
- Onion, Green
- Passion Fruit
- Peaches
- Pears
- Pears, Asian
- Peas, Black-eyed
- Peppers
- Plums
- Potatoes
- Raspberries
- Sapote
- Spinach
- Squash, Summer
- Strawberries
- Tomatoes
- Turnips
The man who creates change creates himself. With our innovative treatment programs and adventure based recovery, we’re transforming men’s lives inside and out. Call Tree House Recovery today for information on our men’s addiction treatment programs in Orange County, California: (855) 202-2138